If you want to be a successful employee, you just have to be careful
about not making some annoying mistakes, unless you really don’t care
about losing the job. Constant tardiness is a point number one in the
top of the most intolerable things to do at your workplace. Moreover,
there are many other behaviors that are forbidden to do in the office.
If you want to be seen as a serious employee, you should stick to the
rules of a workplace etiquette and avoid behaviors that can outrage or
annoy your co-workers.
1. Gossips
Socrates once said, “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds
discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” By all means, try to be a
strong and wise personality. Gossiping is a bad job killing quality, no
matter where you are. It is better to avoid chitchats about your
co-workers; otherwise you will run the risk of losing authority and job.
Don’t forget that you go to your workplace for the one only purpose –
to work. You can discuss your colleague’s personal life some other time,
if necessary. At work, you are to show your professionalism.
2. Low morale
Problems with low morale in the workplace are more obvious now. Low
morale can hurt productivity, decrease cooperation between departments
and increase your work errors. You should try to keep your morale on an
appropriate level. If you show no enthusiasm for your duties, you will
gain the reputation of a downer on the whole department. Your co-workers
will lose desire to cooperate with you. Moreover, you should know that
the higher authorities usually try to take immediate actions to get rid
of bad employees in their companies, because they realize that low
morale employees can drain morale faster than anything.
3. Conflicts
People who work together may have differences in opinions and
philosophy that usually leads to conflicts. When you face personality
clashes you should take some reasonable actions to minimize the
frequency of conflicts and the potential damage they can do in the
workplace. One of the best and the most effective ways to resolve the
conflict is to look for an acceptable compromise. Don’t let you
co-workers bully and offend you in no circumstances. You should stay
calm and do all possible things to resolve the conflict and maintain
privacy at all times. Try to save going to your supervisor at a last
resort, but if nothing helps to accomplish the reconciliation, then ask
him or her for help.
4. Breaking dress code
Every company requires its personnel to follow the fixed dress code.
You are lucky if you are allowed to go to work casually dressed. If not,
then you should appear dressed formally, because the rules apply to
everyone. You should bear in mind that low-cut, tight fitting and short
clothing at work is a bad idea. It can let you down and award you with a
negative reputation and poor judgment in the office. It doesn’t matter
if your wardrobe is limited, just make sure you always have a neat
5. “That’s not my responsibility”
While complying with an occasional request from your supervisor to
assist with tasks that are not a part of your job description, you can
either agree or say, “That’s not my job.” If you want to get a job
promotion, you need to do it. If you find this fact extremely unfair,
you can refuse to take on someone else’s work load. This way you can say
goodbye to your future promotion.
6. Not a team player
If you want to be a successful employee, you should develop the
skills to work together with your co-workers and be a valuable part of
the team. It will help you build wonderful relationships with workmates
and bosses. When you prefer to reduce or avoid communication during the
lunch hour with your workmates or don’t bond with them during the free
time, you run the risk of not being seen as a team player.
7. “That’s what she said”
Surely, humor and laughter in the office can reduce stress and
provide many other benefits. But, for God’s sake, don’t use this
annoying joke. Try to keep dirty jokes and some kinds of flirtations out
of the office. Sometimes, bad humor can also alienate co-workers and
create a more hostile work environment. Don’t be the source of this
annoying phrase in your office.
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