Ask every golfer if they want to improve their swing, and their answer will be yes, no matter how good they are. It is always a challenge to lower your points and there is always room for improvement. Here are some great tips from the very best at the golf clubs on how to improve your swing. Read through all of them, picture yourself doing them, and then go out onto the field and try these out for yourself, or click here for more help from a professional golfer.
Every great golfer has a pre-shot routine. Similar to poker, there are certain actions that these players go through before they step up to the ball. This may be a swing of the club, a tap on the ground, or digging your foot into the ground. Whatever your trick or action may be, try to be consistent. This will help you get into the mindset, and it will help keep your pace and tempo of your swing consistent. It can calm you down, get you focused, and help your smooth out or build into a swing.
The first thing to note about your grip is where you hold your club- the lower your hands, the lower your ball flight. If you limit the height of the follow-through, you will decrease the shot heights. This trick is more reliable than going with a stronger club or attempting to swing easy. You should also grip in a specific place. An experienced golfer knows to let the club’s grip rest on the space where your fingers connect to your palms. This helps to loosen up your swing and not suffer from over control, but it also makes sure that your club does not slide out of your hands. The key is to have a relaxed grip and focus on the swing’s path instead of your grip.
The power behind a swing comes from your body, not your arms. You should turn your body fully through the ball on the downswing. To avoid flips, keep your body close to the ball. “Flippiness” is the term used to describe the dreaded early release. When you flip, your club lags drastically, usually with an open face, and your hands will instinctually work to close the face at impact. You need to establish a firm left side to keep your head behind the ball and stop this flip. The perfect position to hold is when your lead arm and the club shaft form one straight, vertical line with the head back. You must make sure that your lead leg is braced and that your hips are turned slightly open. If you find yourself fixing mistakes with a flick or flip of the wrists, you should suspect that your body is out of position or out of balance (you hands flip because they are making up for something!) So focus on what your body is doing, and fix your positioning before your next swing.
You must follow through. You must step up to the ball with your pre-swing routine (mentioned in tip #1), and then you must visualize the swing and trajectory of the ball. Include the ball placement in your swing calculation as well. Try to visualize the ball slightly ahead of center, as this makes it easier to hit with a square club face. Next, once you’ve visualized this, make sure you follow through. Keep your head behind the ball, and let your head rise naturally with your right shoulder, and this action makes a smooth motion that leads to a balanced follow through.
According to PGA professional, Brady Riggs, at the Woodley Lakes Golf Course in California, there are two fatal flaws when people attempt to hit crisp iron shots. The first one is that the takeaway tends to be too low to the ground. This causes a delay in the proper hinging of the wrists until too late into the backswing. The second flaw is the effort to make power with one’s arms. This causes the arms to swing too far in the backswing, which leads to a breakdown in posture which then causes a reverse pivot. These two flaws cause mis-hits, lack of distance, and lack of control. But you can avoid them in several ways. Focus on creating a 45 degree angle between your left arm and clubshaft. During the takeaway, your hands should stay close to the ground while the clubhead moves up. Make it your goal to have your left thumb pointing at your right shoulder as soon as possible. The moment when your left arm is parallel to the ground and your clubshaft is perpendicular to it, you’ll know that you have achieved the correct wrist hinge. You will improve your posture and stop the reverse pivot from happening when your use this more compact golf swing. Once you have achieved the correct wrist hinge in your backswing, your ball-striking will improve dramatically, and so your shots will have a more consistent distance and direction.
If you are truly serious about investing in your swing and truly improving it, then you need more than just these five tips. While they are helpful, and you should practice them, you should also get the golf pro David Nevogt’s, “The Simple Golf Swing” e-book. This book will teach you a way to improve your golf swing that strays from the traditional tips and you will stun your friends. You will drop 7 strokes in just two weeks with this tested and crowd-favorite informational e-book. It is convenient because you can read it at home, but you can also take it with you on the field while you practice. The author, David Nevogt, researched golf magazines and books and interviewed professional golfers in order to develop “The Simple Golf Swing System” that can improve any golfer’s swing. It’s about working smarter rather than working harder, and it is quick and easy to learn. He breaks it down into five simple steps! By purchasing this book, you can wow your friends within weeks with your new and improved game.
So if you’re really serious about improving your swing, and upping your game, be sure to try out golf pro David Nevogt’s “The Simple Golf Swing System”.
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