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friendzoneNo matter what you do—spending time with her, talking to her on the phone, making funny comments on her Facebook posts, buying her stuff—you just can’t seem to get her interested. So you tell her how you feel, how you really feel: the two of you should be together. And then she says it. “I think we’re really good just being friends.” You just found out—probably way too late for your own good—that you’ve been stuck in the friend zone. That’s not always an awful place to be, unless you happen to be totally in love with the lady who put you there. She probably thinks you’re a great guy, that is, for anyone else but her. Here are some ways to tell if she thinks the two of you are just friends before you share your feelings and embarrass yourself.
She Needs Something Again
When she calls it’s usually not just to say hi, or to let you know about anything important that is going on in her life, and definitely not to ask about you. She usually calls when she needs a really big favor. Could you come with her to this party so she doesn’t have to go alone? That’s not a date. Can you drop her off at the airport, nobody else could do it? It’s not because she wants you to be the last person she sees before she leaves. You’re a good friend, so you’ll do these things, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting any closer to her by obliging.
She Treats You Like a Prop
Now this is the worst part. You get hugs in all the pictures you take. You get to carry her bags for her if you guys go shopping. She may even ask you to go out on dates with her. But that’s as close as you get to fulfilling the role of boyfriend.
She Never Gets Back to You
You’re always trying to get her attention so you keep in touch all the time. You call, you text, you comment on her posts on the internet. She never seems to get back to you that fast, especially when you call. If she ever does reply to your compliments it’s usually something like “Awww thanks!”—the kind of reply that is telling you she thinks you’re sweet and not sexy. If this is always happening, she may not have just put you in the friend zone, she may actively dislike how much you are trying to get a hold of her.
She Met This Great Guy
There is no clearer sign that you are not a romantic interest for her than if she talks to you about other guys she likes. No, she’s not trying to play games and make you jealous, she actively thinks other men are more attractive and sexual than you are. Stop. Here.


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