7 Helpful Tips for a Beautiful and Healthy Smile

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Helpful Tips for a Beautiful and Healthy Smile
When you have fresh breath and white teeth, the only thing you can do is to smile, and these easy tips will help you make your smile healthier and more beautiful in a jiff. While some people are blessed with perfect teeth, others have numerous dental issues. Luckily, proper care can prevent most dental issues. Gum disease, for instance, is caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria which builds up on, and in between, the teeth. To avoid it and other dental problems, you need to develop certain dental habits.

1. Don’t use your teeth as tools

When it comes to teeth, one of the biggest mistakes people do is use their teeth like a tool. I have used my teeth to remove tags from clothing, crack nuts and open packages, but it’s very dangerous. We all should know that the teeth are meant only for chewing food and we should never use them as tools. Using your teeth to open bottles and packages can create little fractures in the enamel, which can lead to big cracks and big issues.

2. Choose your toothpaste wisely

Sure, it’s easier to buy cheap toothpaste because you might think there’s no difference between expensive and cheap toothpaste. However, it’s essential to choose toothpaste wisely. Most kinds of toothpaste contain glycerin that may do more harm than good. The thing is, glycerin coats the teeth and prevents remineralization. Like bones, teeth are composed of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals, which are all delivered to teeth through saliva. When these minerals cannot get in teeth, your teeth are not as strong as they should be. So, make sure you buy glycerin free toothpaste.

3. Brush your teeth every day

While this tip is the easiest, many people forget to brush their teeth twice a day daily. Brushing your teeth regularly removes plaque from the surface of your teeth. Just ensure you brush them correctly. You should hold your toothbrush at about 45 degree angle, where your gums and teeth meet, and brush your teeth gently moving your toothbrush back and forth, using short strokes. You should also brush every tooth 15-20 times with a soft toothbrush.

4. Clean your tongue

When it comes to a beautiful and healthy smile, I’m sure the last thing that comes to your mind is cleaning your tongue. Believe it or not, it’s important to clean your tongue regularly since it harbors many bacteria. You can brush your tongue using your toothbrush, but I recommend using a tongue scraper. It’s not expensive, but if you can’t buy it, I suggest using a spoon like I actually do. A spoon makes good tongue scrapper, so give it a try.

5. Floss each day

One of the best ways to keep your gums and teeth healthy is flossing. Just floss gently using waxed floss; go between every tooth using a gentle rubbing motion and make sure you go below the gum line as you floss. Yes, it can take a lot of time, but it’s really worth it and you’ll love the result. Your teeth will look healthier and more beautiful.

6. Rinse your mouth

After brushing, flossing and scrapping, you need to rinse your mouth with a good mouthwash. You can use diluted hydrogen peroxide, which combat bacteria, or opt for a fluoride rinse, which helps strengthen your teeth as well as prevent cavities. A fluoride rinse is also good for sensitive teeth. It fills in the small holes, which lead to the nerves, and reduces pain.

7. Healthy eating

Acidic and sugary foods can be harmful for your teeth. Acidic foods, such as citrus can cause enamel erosion, while sugar can cause plaque and make gum disease worse. To keep teeth beautiful and healthy, it’s recommended to limit the acidic and sugary foods in your diet. When you are hungry, eat some celery with peanut butter instead of reaching for a candy bar. Your teeth will thank you!


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