If you’ve gone through a break up and are desperate for your love back, there is an answer! Any relationship, no matter how much damage has been done, can be salvaged.
Most people have experienced the pain and distress of an unwanted break up. The feeling of not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, and not being able to function. Of either having no appetite at all, or binge eating in an attempt to eat painful emotions. The inability to listen to the radio because every single song brings up agonizing feelings. Most people have experienced the crazy urge to check their phones and e-mails a hundred times a day to see if they’ve received any messages from their ex. The massive depression that comes along with an unwanted break up, and the inability to stop rehearsing over and over what should have been said. It’s enough to drive any person crazy. If you haven’t experienced any of this, then you’re one of the lucky ones.
While some breakups are truly for the best, some only bring regret, and the “should have” or “shouldn’t have” internal monologues. Some breakups involve two people who are still madly in love, but bad decisions and lack of appreciation muddled the relationship, and left the partners not knowing what else to do. Not knowing how to wipe the slate clean and fix things other than ending it. These types of breakups lead to regret, sadness, and a whole other depressing list of symptoms. The good news is it doesn’t have to remain that way. There is a way to start fresh, to recapture the heart of your lover who just had enough, and couldn’t take anymore.
Most relationships actually can be salvaged, and T.W. Jackson, an expert on reading and interacting with people, can tell you exactly how. In The Magic Of Making Up he shares the “recipe for love”. Exactly how to get your relationship back, no matter how bad your break-up was. Now Jackson isn’t a love doctor, he hasn’t studied relationships. He’s not going to regurgitate the same useless relationship advice that you read in magazine after magazine. He’s a military brat, who’s experienced all types of people from all over the world his whole life, and has figured out how they work. And his advice really does work.
With The Magic Of Making Up you’ll receive:
- The fast forward technique, how to get your head on straight and start feeling better immediately after a break up
- The tell tale signs that you still hold a special place in your ex’s heart
- What people crave the most, and need in their relationships
- When to apologize and when you shouldn’t
- The fastest and shortest path back into your ex’s heart
- The clean slate method, that will essentially allow you to turn back time
- The instant reconnect technique
- How to recapture your romance
- The list goes on and on…
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